

Tony Moran is a writer, blogger and DIY enthusiast living in rural Norfolk, England, UK, with his wife and a lively border collie. Subscribe to this blog for updates and receive more awesome home improvement tips.

Rolling Tool Cart Organisation

tool cart

If you work with a lot of tools, keeping them organised can be a challenge. Whether you are a mechanic, carpenter, business owner, or homeowner, having a well-organised tool cart is essential. By customising your tool foam, utilising toolbox organisers,…

Tool Chest Organisation Hacks

tool chest

If you work with a lot of tools, you know how quickly they can become disorganised. Whether you’re a mechanic, carpenter, or homeowner, having a well-organised tool chest is essential for an efficient workspace. Customising your tool chest organisation is…

Tips for using a jigsaw safely

Jigsaw carpenter

A jigsaw is a versatile power tool that can be used to cut curves in wood, metal, and other materials. It’s important to know how to use a jigsaw safely to avoid accidents and achieve precise and clean cuts. In…

How to Use a Circular Saw Safely

circular saw

Your circular saw is a powerful tool that can be used for both professional and DIY projects. However, it’s important to know how to use it safely to avoid accidents. Key Takeaways Staying Safe When Working with a Circular Saw…

Proper Attire for Using a Power Saw


Operating a power saw without the proper attire can be extremely dangerous. It is essential to follow safety precautions to prevent accidents and injuries on construction sites. When operating a handheld power saw, it is crucial to wear personal protective…

Safe Operation of a Reciprocating Saw

reciprocating saw

Reciprocating saws are versatile tools that can cut through various materials. They are designed for use in cramped and restricted spaces, making them invaluable for certain applications. However, it is important to follow safety guidelines to ensure safe operation. Some…

Avoiding Kickback on a Table Saw

riving knife

Kickback is a dangerous occurrence that can happen when using a table saw. It involves the blade launching a workpiece or offcut towards the user at a high speed. Kickback can cause serious injuries or damage. Understanding the causes of…